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Press centre

The section below presents the most important information and materials for journalists interested in our activity.

Media Contact

Marcin Starkowski

PR Manager

[email protected]

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News 9 Jul 2024 9:30

Payment retry - a new feature at Conotoxia Pay

News 2 Jul 2024 11:00

Conotoxia adds the next currencies, HUF, RON and AED, to its multi-currency cards

News 27 Jun 2024 9:00

Multi-currency loans also available in the Conotoxia app

Press Releases

Press release 15 Nov 2021 9:30

Where does the truth lie in Black Friday sales?

Press release 3 Aug 2021 9:30

Olympic yen – the currency right on the financial podium

Press release 15 Jun 2021 9:30

Multi-currency wallet for football fans - EuroTrip 2021

Press release 22 Mar 2021 10:22

Conotoxia: we execute the plans, we plan the future

Press release 24 Nov 2020 9:30

Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the troubling times of pandemic - Conotoxia experts advise

Press release 19 Mar 2020 15:30

US dollar - the right currency for uncertain times? The US dollar's index is the highest in 15 years!