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нашу картку від фонду?

Додайте її до свого профілю, щоб стежити за отриманими коштами.

Додайте її до свого профілю, щоб стежити за отриманими коштами.

BLIK OneClick

Enable BLIK payments in your shop without entering the BLIK code. One-click payment processing offers convenience for your customers and profit for you.

How does BLIK OneClick work?



When making a BLIK payment in your shop, the logged-in customer selects the ‘Save’ option, making their future payments even faster.



The next time a customer makes a BLIK payment, they will no longer need to enter their BLIK code. They simply confirm the transaction on their device.



The customer has access to the list of saved shops in their banking app.

Benefits for you

Customer satisfaction

BLIK OneClick payment is one of customers' most popular methods when shopping online.

Fewer abandoned baskets

A fast and easy payment process improves the overall shop experience and eliminates unnecessary steps, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Shop attractiveness

A wide range of payment methods will certainly stand out from the competition and widen your customer base.

How to activate BLIK OneClick?

Read the documentation that guides you step by step through a simple integration.

See the documentation

Contact us

Have additional questions?

Get in touch with us. We will be happy to assist you.

+48 68 419 62 70