Frequently asked questions
Read the answers to the most frequently asked questions and discover more about multi-currency loans.

About our currency lending service
We currently grant multi-currency loans in Polish zloty, Swiss franc, British pound, euro and US dollar. Loan repayments should be in the currency in which they were granted.
We grant a multi-currency loan for a period of 30 days in a maximum amount of:
- 3,000 PLN
- 800 CHF
- 700 EUR
- 600 GBP
- 800 USD
from 2 to 12 months in the maximum amount:
- 5,000 PLN
- 1,000 CHF
- 1,000 EUR
- 800 GBP
- 1,000 USD
Requirements needed to file an application
You can get a currency loan if you:
- you have an account with Conotoxia;
- are 20 to 70 years old;
- are a Polish citizen with a place of residence in the Republic of Poland;
- must also have a Polish ID number (PESEL) and a valid Polish ID card;
- have full legal capacity, and you are a consumer within the meaning of the Polish law;
- have a bank account in Poland, maintained in the currency applied for, in order not to expose yourself to currency conversion costs;
- will receive a positive credit rating;
- are able to repay the liabilities incurred as a result of taking out a loan;
- you are not in arrears with us;
- you have an unblocked personal identification number PESEL (in the Register of PESEL number blocking);
Yes, you can get funds from us if you are not in arrears and are not registered on the debtors` register.
Having an account at the financial portal is free of charge.
No. You can only have one active loan, regardless of the currency in which it was granted.
The application process
All you need to do is fill in a simple application form on our website.
You will receive an acceptance or rejection notification about the currency loan by email or text message. The information will also be available as a message in your user panel.
The decision to grant a multi-currency loan is based on a range of factors. We may refuse your application if you do not meet the conditions for granting a loan, in particular, if you:
- are less than 20 years old or more than 70 years old;
- are entered in one of the debtor registers;
- do not have a source of income to repay the loan;
- have not repaid your previous loan;
- are not a citizen of the Republic of Poland.
The decision-making process usually takes place within a few minutes. Sometimes, due to high safety standards, it may take a little longer. If we have any further questions, we will contact you before making a decision.
We will withdraw the loan funds by transferring them to the bank account you indicated.
Please note that the transfer processing time also depends on other factors, e.g. whether you have applied for the loan during our working hours or whether the bank where you have your account has a technical break.
If you have still not received your money after 3 working days of obtaining a positive credit score, please get in touch with us.
You do not have to sign anything. The contract is concluded remotely, electronically. You accept its content when you apply for a loan. If your application is approved, we will withdraw the funds and send you the contract together with information about its conclusion via email.
Loan withdrawal
The loan will be withdrawn to your bank account.
Repayment process
Bank account numbers for repayment depending on the currency of the loan to be repaid:
Currency | Bank account number |
PLN | PL 59 1140 1850 0000 2061 4300 1006 |
EUR | PL 70 1140 1850 0000 2061 4300 1002 |
USD | PL 43 1140 1850 0000 2061 4300 1003 |
CHF | PL 16 1140 1850 0000 2061 4300 1004 |
GBP | PL 86 1140 1850 0000 2061 4300 1005 |
Recipient`s name: Currency Lending sp. z o.o. ul. Wrocławska 17B, 65-427 Zielona Góra
The title of the loan repayment transfer remains unchanged. Details of the repayment title can be found in the loan agreement or the customer panel.
Yes. Advanced repayment allows you to save money. In case of early repayment the cost of the loan will be lower. The amount you currently have to pay on a given date will always be displayed in the user panel. If there is an excess as a result of full repayment, we will repay it.
In the case of an instalment loan, remember to submit an early repayment order.
If you are unable to repay your multi-currency loan, please contact our Customer Care Department as soon as possible. We will try to find a solution tailored to your current financial situation.
It is impossible to extend the period of the loan.
In case of lack or delay in repayment, interest for the delay may be charged in the amount equal to two times the statutory interest for the delay (statutory interest for delay amounts to the sum of the National Bank of Poland`s reference rate and 5.5 percentage points), i.e. the maximum interest for delay specified in Article 481 § 21 of the Civil Code.
We are also entitled to take debt recovery measures aimed at the collection of liability, including in particular to:
- telephone contact;
- sending email, text or letter reminders;
- the transfer of the claim to be serviced by an external party;
- the recovery of the loan through judicial and enforcement proceedings;
- make an entry containing information about current obligations in economic information bureaus;
- transfer of information on liabilities to the Credit Information Bureau.