Afternoon video analysis 09.06.2017
9 Jun 2017 15:36|
Attractive exchange rates of 27 currencies
Live rates.
Update: 30s
Exchange rate for 50 000 currency units.
Додайте її до свого профілю, щоб стежити за отриманими коштами.
Live rates.
Update: 30s
An announcement of the coalition between the Tories with the Democratic Unionist Party from Northern Ireland doesn't need to mean 'a soft Brexit'. Afternoon strengthening of the dollar. The zloty might be under pressure next week, if the USD will continue its growth.
See also:
Morning video analysis 09.06.2017
Afternoon video analysis 08.06.2017
Morning video analysis 08.06.2017
Afternoon video analysis 07.06.2017