Published: 06.11.2014
The European Commission has published the autumn forecasts for EU countries. These show a progressive division between countries having economic difficulties and those with good results. However, there's a fine line between the leaders and those falling behind.
The performance of the eurozone was significantly weaker than the European Union as a whole. The Commission expects GDP to increase by 0.8 percent in 2014 and only 1.1 percent in 2015. These forecasts are lower than the ones presented in May, when the increase was expected to be respectively 1.2 and 1.7 percent. This is where the European Union shows better results with the GDP growth at 1.3 percent this year and 1.5 in the following, which is lower than expectaions expressed in the spring forecasts - respectively 1.6 and 2 percent.
Piotr Lonczak, analyst