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Endless tragedy of Greek debt

22 Jun 2018 8:09|Conotoxia.com

Author: businessinsider.com.pl
Address: https://businessinsider.com.pl/finanse/grecja-analiza-sytuacji-gospodarczej-w-kraju
Date: 21.07.2018

“Greece can compare its fate to the myth of Sisyphus. It is practically impossible to roll a boulder up a hill, i.e. to build a macroeconomic strategy that will give sustainable GDP growth and a reduction in debt. Contrary to the familiar myth of Athena, they will never see anything that could give hope to the end of the crisis. The boulder of debt will crush them as soon as they try to move it,” writes Marcin Lipka, Conotoxia Senior Analyst.

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22 Jun 2018 8:09|Conotoxia.com

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