Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Change of system requirements
Please be informed that system requirements for use of will change.
Technical problems within Raiffeisen Polbank bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within Raiffeisen Polbank bank transactions executed within this bank might be delayed.
Delays in Bank Ochrony Środowiska
Please be informed that currency exchange transactions execution within Bank Ochrony Środowiska on June 10 might be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Delays in Bank Ochrony Środowiska
Please be informed that currency exchange transactions execution within Bank Ochrony Środowiska on June 9 might be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Day off from AUD, CHF, DKK, HUF, NOK, NZD, RON
Please be informed June 09, 2014 is a day off from following currencies: AUD, CHF, DKK, HUF, NOK, NZD, RON. The execution of transactions including these currencies might be daleyed.
Technical problems within BGŻ bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within BGŻ bank transactions executed within this bank might be delayed.