Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Technical problems in Reiffeisen bank
Please be informed that due to the technical problems within Reiffeisen bank executing currency transactions on 27.12.2012 might be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Limited working hours
Please be informed that on 24.12.2012 will execute transfers only until 1:00pm. Our Consultants will also be available until 1:00pm. Currency exchange transactions can be concluded as usual.
Maintenance works at Millennium bank
Please be informed that due to the maintenance works at Millennium bank on 21.12.2012, executing currency exchange transactions within this bank might be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Technical problems within DNB Nord bank on 18.12.12
Please be informed that due to technical problems within DNB Nord bank, currency exchange transactions on 18.12.12 might be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Technical problems within Nordea bank from 10.12 to 11.12.2012
Please be informed that due to technical problems within Nordea bank banking system, currency exchange transactions executed from 10.12 to 11.12.2012 might be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Technical problems within BZ WBK bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within BZ WBK bank currency exchange transactions executed on 10.12.2012 might be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.