Settlement of card transactions

Your multi-currency card allows you to pay worldwide, regardless of the currencies available on your card. See how we convert card transactions, find out what rates we use and how to check the margin on them against the ECB rate.

Calculator for currency exchange card transactions

Exchange amount
Rate: =
Margin in relation to ECB rate %

Settlement of card transactions

Your multi-currency card allows you to pay worldwide, regardless of the currencies available on your card. See how we convert card transactions, find out what rates we use and how to check the margin on them against the ECB rate.

Transactions in the currencies of your accounts

If you pay or withdraw cash with your card in a currency for which we hold a card account (see list of accounts), settlement is made directly to that account.

Transactions in other currencies

When you pay in a currency for which we do not maintain a card account for you, the transaction will be converted into the card currency at the Visa exchange rate.

Visa exchange rate

You can check Visa exchange rates and the margin for them in relation to the ECB exchange rate here. Remember to enter "0" in the "Bank fee" field, as we do not apply additional exchange fees for our multi-currency cards.

Currency exchange card transaction

If there are not enough funds in your account for which the transaction is to be booked, we will automatically exchange them from another currency using the Conotoxia exchange rate. You can check the exchange rate and the amount converted in our currency converter, which is available above.

Remember that exchange rates change; therefore, their value and the indicated margin may be different when you make a future transaction.

Please read the terms and conditions for details on the transaction settlement, including which currency we will convert from when you do not have enough funds in the account to book the transaction.