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Earnings in the Czech Republic. Exactly what salary can we count on?

27 May 2024 11:00|Conotoxia.com

In 2024, the Czech Republic still stands as quite a popular destination for those seeking work abroad. A stable economy, favourable employment conditions, geographical proximity, and easy and convenient access mean that more and more people are choosing to work and live in the country along the picturesque Vltava River.

Earnings in the Czech Republic

Average national salary in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic represents a booming economy and offers attractive employment conditions in many industries. The average national salary in the Czech Republic in 2024 is approximately 40,000 Czech koruna gross per month, which, converted at the current exchange rate, is approximately 1,600 EUR. Compared to previous years, this is an increase due to inflation, the increasing demand for skilled labour, and numerous foreign investments.

Current earnings in the Czech Republic

According to available data for 2023, foreigners find employment mainly in the manufacturing sector as welders, electricians, machine operators, or painters.

The monthly salary in the Czech Republic varies significantly depending on the industry, the job specifics, qualifications and sometimes the region where the company is located.

Monthly salaries classified by industry:

  • IT: IT specialists can expect a salary in the range of 60,000 - 90,000 CZK (2,390 - 3,590 EUR),
  • Construction: construction workers earn an average of 35,000 - 50,000 CZK (1,390 - 1,990 EUR),
  • Services: workers in the service sector, including catering and hospitality, earn salaries in the range of 25,000 - 35,000 CZK (993 - 1,390 EUR),
  • Manufacturing: workers in factories and production plants can expect to earn 30,000 - 45,000 CZK (1,190 - 1,790 EUR).

Monthly earnings classified by job position:

  • cashier: 25,000 - 30,000 CZK (993 - 1,190 EUR),
  • warehouse worker: 27,000 - 32,000 CZK (1,075 - 1,195 EUR),
  • production worker: 28,000 - 35,000 CZK (1,115 - 1,395 EUR),
  • programmer: 60,000 - 90,000 CZK (2,395 - 3,595 EUR),
  • engineer: 50,000 - 70,000 CZK (1,995 - 2,795 EUR),
  • doctor: 70,000 - 100,000 CZK (2,795 - 3,995 EUR),
  • IT manager: 90,000 - 120,000 CZK (3,595 - 4,797 EUR),
  • finance director: 100,000 - 150,000 CZK (3,995 - 5,999 EUR),
  • general manager: 120,000 - 200,000 CZK (4,797 - 8,003 EUR).

Earnings in the public and private sectors

The pay gap between the public and private sectors can be extensive. In the public sector, salaries tend to be lower but more stable and often associated with additional benefits. Examples of monthly earnings in the Czech Republic classified by job position:

  • teacher: 35,000 - 45,000 CZK (public sector),
  • policeman: 40,000 - 50,000 CZK (public sector),
  • engineer in a private company: 50,000 - 70,000 CZK (private sector).

Earnings in the Czech Republic

Working in the Czech Republic - formal requirements

Taking up employment in the Czech Republic by an EU citizen involves meeting several formal requirements. These mainly relate to documents that will allow legal employment and residence. The most important of these are:

  • Identity card or passport: essential documents necessary to prove identity.
  • National insurance number (rodné číslo): number issued by Czech institutions, necessary for registration with the social security system.
  • Residence certificate: a document confirming residence in the Czech Republic. Those who plan to stay for more than 30 days must register at the local municipal office.
  • Employment contract: a signed contract with the employer stipulating the terms and conditions of employment.

Earnings in the Czech Republic

Finances in the Czech Republic

Starting a job in the Czech Republic can be a challenge when it comes to managing your budget. This is particularly important when planning to receive your salary in the Czech koruna and spend it in the euro.

An employee is not required to have a Czech bank account to receive remuneration in the Czech Republic. In practice, many employers prefer to transfer the salary to a bank account held in the Czech crown. From the employee's perspective, this may not be very cost-effective when transferring salary to a bank account outside the Czech Republic.

A favourable alternative is to open a free account with Conotoxia, which gives us access to attractive online exchange rates and international money transfers. This is particularly beneficial when transferring part of your earnings to loved ones in your homeland, for example.

The Conotoxia multi-currency card, which can be used to pay effectively in the Czech Republic, is ideal for everyday payments and expenses. It can also be used to withdraw cash at local ATMs.

27 May 2024 11:00|Conotoxia.com

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