Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Day off for CNY, HKD and SGD
Please be informed that on February 9th, 2024, all transactions including: CNY, HKD and SGD may be delayed for reasons beyond the control of We apologise for any inconvenience.
Changes are coming. We have prepared a new login page for you!
We have designed a new login page for you. The changes include a refreshed layout and a new, more intuitive page structure. Very soon, you will be able to enjoy a modern look and a more convenient login experience.
Day off for NZD
Please be informed that on February 6th, 2024, all transactions including the New Zealand dollar (NZD), may be delayed for reasons beyond the control of We apologise for any inconvenience.
Day off for MXN
Please be informed that on February 5th, 2024, all transactions including the Mexican peso (MXN) may be delayed for reasons beyond the control of We apologise for any inconvenience.
Important note for PKO Bank Polski SA clients
Please be informed that due to the technical problems, delays in currency exchange transactions executed within PKO Bank Polski SA might occur on January 25th, 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Day off for USD
Please be informed that on January 15th, 2024, all transactions including the US dollar (USD) may be delayed for reasons beyond the control of We apologise for any inconvenience.