Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Day off from USD on 21.06.2013
Please be informed that due to the Summer Solstice in the USA 21.06.2013 is a day off from USD. The USD transactions concluded on that day might be delayed.
Technical problems within banks
Please be informed that due to the technical problems within BZ WBK, ING and PKO BP bank delays in transactions executed within these might occur.
Day off from GBP and USD on 27.05.2013
Please be informed that 27.05.2013 is the day off from GBP and USD. The execution of GBP and USD transactions on that day might be delayed.
Technical problems on 13.05.2013
Please be informed that due to technical problems within delays might occur on 13.05.2013. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Deactivation of Polbank EFG S.A. SWIFT code
Please be informed that the SWIFT code of the late Polbank EFG S.A. (EFGBPLPW) will be deactivated on May 28, 2013. The international identyfying code of Reiffeisen Bank Poland S.A. is RCBWPLPW. Be invited to use the new code as of today.
Day off from CHF, NOK and USD on 09.05.2013
Please be informed that 09.05.2013 is the day off from CHF, NOK and USD. Delays in execution of transactions including these currencies on that day might occur.