Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Technical problems within PKO BP bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within PKO BP bank transactions executed within this bank might be delayed.
Technical problems within Nordea bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within Nordea bank transactions executed within this bank might be delayed.
Technical problems within DnB NORD bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within DnB NORD bank transactions executed within this bank might be delayed.
100 000 users online cannot be wrong - success in e-commerce
More and more Poles make decisions of buying or selling based on opinions online. One of the most popular websites to offer feedback on e-companies is, the FX technology services company, has just accomplished a great success there. It took over a dozen months to gather over 100 000 positive comments there.
Technical problems with Deutsche Bank
Due to the technical difficulties with the Deutsche Bank delays in transactions executed via that bank can occur.
Technical problems with Deutsche Bank
Due to the technical difficulties with the Deutsche Bank delays in transactions executed via that bank can occur. We apologize for any inconvenience.