Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Technical problems within BGŻ Bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within BGŻ bank, transactions executed within this bank on September 14, 2014 may be delayed.
Technical problems within BZ WBK bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within BZ WBK bank, transactions executed within this bank on September 2, 2015 may be delayed.
Day off from GBP
Please be informed that August 31, 2015 is a day off from the GBP. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off from HUF
Please be informed that August 20, 2015 is a day off for the HUF. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Technical problems within ING Bank
Please be informed that due to technical problems within ING bank, transactions executed within this bank on August 10, 2015 may be delayed.
Delays within BZ WBK
Please be informed that the transactions conducted with the BZ WBK bank on August 10, 2015 may be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.