Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Day off from RUB
Please be informed that January 7, 2016 is a day off for the RUB. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off from RUB
Please be informed that January 4, 2016 is a day off for the RUB. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off from CZK, NOK, DKK, SEK, HUF
Please be informed that December 24, 2015 is a day off for the CZK, NOK, DKK, SEK and HUF. The execution of transactions including these currencies may be delayed. working hours on the Christmas Eve and the New Year's Eve
Please be informed that on December 24, 2015? will process money transfers until 1:00 pm and on December 31, 2015 until 2:00 pm. The helpline on these days (December 24 and 31) will be available until 3:00 pm. Currency exchange transactions can be initiated at all times.
Day off from JPY
Please be informed that December 23, 2015 is a day off for the JPY. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off from ZAR
Please be informed that December 16, 2015 is a day off for the ZAR. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.