Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Day off from JPY
Please be informed that April 29, 2016 is a day off for the JPY. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off from AUD
Please be informed that April 25, 2016 is a day off for the AUD. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off from DKK
Please be informed that April 22, 2016 is a day off for the DKK. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Update on functioning of
In accordance with the earlier announcements, would like to remind you of the regulations, which introduce new safety measures, aiming at increasing transaction security. Moreover, the company introduced changes to the system, which are a result of the European standards.
Delays within Volkswagen Bank
Please be informed that transactions conducted with the Volkswagen Bank on April 7 and 8, 2016 may be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Possible transaction delays
Please be informed, that due to technical difficulties, currency exchange transactions on April 7, 2016 may be delayed.