Here you can find current information about events that could affect your transactions. This information will help you make sure your money gets to where you want it to go without delay.
Information regarding services
Please be informed that due to the participation of some of the company’s employees in the Black Protest on October 3rd 2016, the execution of some transactions may be delayed. We sincerely apologize to our customers for any potential inconveniences. At the same time, Board of Directors wishes to emphasize that it respects the right of the freedom of speech, as well as the manifestation of the views of its employees.
Day off from AUD
Please be informed that October 3, 2016 is a day off for the AUD. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off for CZK
Please be informed that September 28 is a day off for CZK. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off for JPY
Please be informed that September 22 is a day off for JPY. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off for JPY
Please be informed that September 19 is a day off for JPY. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.
Day off for HKD
Please be informed that September 16 is a day off for HKD. The execution of transactions including this currency may be delayed.