Exchange rate TRY - Turkish lira
Turkish Lira is the official currency of Turkey. 1 Lira is divided into 100 Kuruszy. The lira came into circulation in 1844 displacing the kurusze.
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TRY PLN | 0.0830 | 0.1129 | Turkish lira | 1 TRY |
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The Turkish lira is the official monetary unit of Turkey. Its international abbreviation is TRY. Often it is also written with the abbreviation TL or the symbol ₺. It is divided into 100 kuruş.
The Turkish lira - where is it used?
The Turkish lira is the official currency of Turkey. Residents of Northern Cyprus also use it. When going to one of these places, it is wise to check the Turkish lira exchange rate.
The history of the Turkish lira
Like some other currencies, the Turkish lira owes its origins to a weight unit used in the ancient Roman Empire. There, the libra was used, which meant silver that weighed one pound. This settlement system was used in medieval Europe and the Middle East, among other places, and many countries borrowed the libra as the name of their currency. The first lira as currency appeared during the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It was the Ottoman lira, which entered circulation in 1844 and lasted until 1927. Even then, it was divided into 100 kuruş. In a form similar to its contemporary form, the Turkish lira debuted in 1923 and lasted until 2005. For many years, the Turkish lira was pegged to the British pound and the French franc, as well as the US dollar. In the 1990s, the Turkish lira began to depreciate sharply. For comparison, in the 1960s, one dollar cost 9 Turkish lira, and in 2005 as much as 1.35 million lira. For many years, the Turkish lira was entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the least valuable currency in the world. This led to the denomination and creation of a new currency with the symbol TRY, which is still present today. The new Turkish lira had an exchange rate set as follows: as many as six zeros had to be crossed out of the old one to get one new one.
The Turkish lira - key information
Turkish citizens have in their pockets coins of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 kuruş, as well as 1 lira. The reverse of each coin depicts the image of the first Turkish president - Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. On the obverse, in addition to the denomination, the date of minting is shown, as well as flora, cultural elements and Turkish architectural objects. Turkish lira banknotes are available in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 lira. The obverse always bears the image of the first Turkish president. The reverse depicts figures of merit in Turkish history and culture, including writers, musicians, mathematicians, scientists and poets.
TRY exchange rate
The Turkish lira is ranked as one of the relatively popular currencies in the world. In 2019, it participated in 1.1% of all currency transactions. The Turkish lira's exchange rate is an important reference point due to increased trade contacts made with this country. Moreover, it is considered one of the best holiday destinations. TRY is also gaining importance during the holiday season. Turkey is in the range of interest of tourists from Europe who are tempted by its warm climate and relatively low prices. Before travelling to Turkey, it is worth checking the TRY exchange rate. The Turkish lira is not a very popular currency in stationary exchange offices, but you can buy or sell it online in our portal. It is also worth bearing in mind that the Turkish lira exchange rate is not the most stable. Large fluctuations are observed against both the euro and the US dollar.