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нашу картку від фонду?

Додайте її до свого профілю, щоб стежити за отриманими коштами.

Додайте її до свого профілю, щоб стежити за отриманими коштами.

Contact for individual clients

Do you have any questions about our services, products, security, or would you like to report an irregularity? Fill in the contact form or email us using the details below.

  • Please contact us Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (UTC+1) on working days in Poland.
  • We speak Polish and English

Write message

Send email

[email protected]

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the contact form
Secretary's Office
Press office
Data Protection Officer

Cinkciarz.pl Sp. z o.o.
Małgorzata Sitkiewicz

Conotoxia Sp. z o.o.
Małgorzata Sitkiewicz

Currency Lending Sp. z o.o.
Małgorzata Sitkiewicz

BigScreen Defense Sp. z o.o.
Małgorzata Sitkiewicz

CINKCIARZ.PL Marketing sp. z o.o.
Małgorzata Sitkiewicz

Cinkciarz.pl Sp. z o.o. - HQ
Wrocławska 17B
65-427 Zielona Góra
Cinkciarz.pl Sp. z o.o. - B
Al. Jerozolimskie 123a
00-965 Warsaw
United States of America
Conotoxia Inc. - B
P.O Box 81320
60681 Chicago
Suspecting a fraud

If you have suspicions that you have been subject to fraud, contact us.

Information Security
(GPG Key)

Registration data

Foreign currency exchange
Cinkciarz.pl Sp. z o.o.
Tax Identity Number (NIP): 9291830388
National Business Register Number (REGON): 080465538
Registration number (KRS): 0000364722
Certificate no.: 8808/2010
Share capital: 23 263 500 PLN
Money transfer & payments
Conotoxia Sp. z o.o.
Tax Identity Number (NIP): 9291858406
National Business Register Number (REGON): 081192479
Registration number (KRS): 0000498818
Payment Institution License no.: 30/2015
Share capital: 17 670 000 PLN
Invest & Forex
Conotoxia Ltd.
Athalassas 62, Mezzanine,
Strovolos, 2012
Nicosia, Cyprus.
Regulated by: CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission), licence number CIF 336/17
Share capital (basic): 750 000 EUR