is not only the largest but also the safest online currency exchange office in Poland. This has been proven by obtaining prestigious certificates. In achieving this goal it will be supported by one of the best audit companies in the world. KPMG will conduct two audits at an IT and financial one. - Our choice could not be better. We work with the best - assured Piotr Kicinski,’s Vice-Chairman of the Board. wants to get two key certificates: PCI DSS and the Impartial Auditor Report corresponding to the ISAE3000 standard. These include the assessment of compliance of with certain requirements of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), which are included in the recommendation D (regarding IT management and CT environmental safety in banks).
KPMG, which will conduct the audits, is one of the largest international network of auditory-consulting companies. It is one of the companies included in the leading edge in its field of expertise, called 'big four'. It is also a global brand, which has won many prestigious ranks over the years. It is present on all continents. It hires 155 thousand excellent specialists and has branches in 155 countries.
Even though the online currency exchange offices are not under KNF supervision, is certain that following its guidelines is essential. It also puts emphasis on the fact, that the company already meets many requirements of the financial authourity, which were set for banks and payment institutions. This includes a very important issue which is operating with accordance to the Law.
- We have been obtaining the most important safety certificates for years now. This is a process which demands many investments from us. These are caused not only by changing standards, but also increasing customers expectations. It is due to the fact, that the bar is being set higher and higher, and we still try to jump over it - said Piotr Kicinski,’s Vice-Chairman of the Board.
The IT part of the audit which will be conducted in areas of technology and IT safety, will be conducted by the inspectors of KPMG with accordance to the International Standard ISAE 3000. The company will implement the rules of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) set in recommendation D. This is a set of good practice guidelines for financial institutions, like the way of project managing or appropriate distribution of duties among the employees, which minimise the risk of infringement.
- Implementing the recommendations guarantees accordance of systems and controls with the international standards set for payment institutions and banks. We will adapt within the areas of organizational strategies, maintenance of the IT environment internal and external procedures - explained Piotr Kicinski.
Poland's most popular online currency exchange office has already obtained the prestigious PCI DSS certificate (level two). It means that channels used by the company's customers are verified as safe. Now, the FX company wants to reach for the next certificate, the highest, level one
The PCI DSS certificate is issued by the international organization Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. The regulation guarantees the highest possible standard of transactions concluded at It also ensures that the data of clients are scripted, sent and stored with accordance to very strict safety procedures and standards.
The contract signed by and KPMG was declared binding in January 2015. The companies agreed on a three-year cooperation.
KPMG has been present on the Polish market for over 20 years. Its offer include audits, tax, accounting and legal services, transactional and financial consulting, risk, and management and following the regulational requirements. It examines the largest companies, including those listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. It has its branches in seven cities and hires 1.2 thousand employees. The audit department consists of over 100 highly qualified workers. - We have a lot of experience in the field of conducting financial reports as well as other certification services for financial institutions in Poland - said Wojciech Drzymala, director of the KPMG audit department.
The high position of KPMG on the Polish market is not only confirmed by its most important clients, but also has been awarded by many with distinctions. It has been reaching top places in the ranks of companies and tax consultants of "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna" (Law Daily) and according to "Rzeczpospolita" it remains the leader of audit in Poland.