on the 30th place in the List 500 by Rzeczpospolita. Our company found itself among the largest companies which develop the fastest.
The rank published by Rzeczpospolita is the first classification of the Polish companies' this year by their outcome. Therefore, it allows analyzing their condition. The presence of on the 30th place is a confirmation of the rapid business development from the beginning of the company's existence. The growth of the sale income by 84.22% noted in the rank gives 1st place among the sale income of the 200 companies.
Based on the Fortune ranking, Rzeczpospolita's List 500 is a rank classifying 500 largest Polish companies in accordance to their income. The List is created and published annually by the Polish daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita. It was first published in 1999 and since then it is the oldest rank of this kind in Polish press.
Final 50 of the Rzeczpospolita's rank "List 500".