currency rates for smartwatches with Android

Jun 23, 2015 2:00 PM|

An intelligent watch is another electronic gadget for making life easier. What do you need it for? Of course, you can check the time, but not only this, you can also use many of the functions of a smartphone. has made a very practical application, especially dedicated to Android devices – the most popular system on the market.

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The application is dedicated for smartwatches working with the Android Wear system. The watch communicates with your phone via Bluetooth. The tactile screen works in the same way as on a smartphone. It allows you to take a picture, check your pulse, listen to music, etc.

Additionally, you will not miss out on the best offers of The online currency exchange company has just released a new application. It displays up-to-the-minute rates of three personally selected currencies.

The application installed on the phone checks the current currency rates every hour, and sends the information to the watch. The user can also refresh the displayed rates on the watch at any moment – says Kamil Sahaj, Marketing Manager.

Popular models of smartwatches, e.g. Motorola, Sony or LG, are available on the biggest online shops. Watches and many other interesting applications are also available at Google Play. is also set to launch its app for the Apple Watch. It will allow the wearable intelligence users to track currency rates at all times. The device will also send alerts when a currency reaches a selected rate. The online currency exchange company was also one of the first in the world to develop the finance app for Google Glass™.

Jun 23, 2015 2:00 PM|

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