the Conotoxia app

Safely send money transfers to Europe from your mobile phone.

Safe and secure

Quick and simple set up

Download the Conotoxia app for free and create a account quickly and conveniently.

Low fees and attractive exchange rates

Send money in 27 currencies with better exchange rates. Use our price calculator and find out how much your money transfers will cost right away.

Safe and secure

The Conotoxia app meets global security standards and your operations are protected with a two-factor authentication (2FA).

Manage your contact list easily

Manage your contact list easily

Create your contact list with just a few taps. Go to the Recipients tab and add your recipient’s details. Once added, they appear on your contact list. Then, simply select one and send money.

Transfer money on the go

Transfer money on the go

Send your international transfers wherever you are with the Conotoxia app. Save money with low fees and attractive exchange rates and pay with your favourite payment method.

Track your money

Track your money

Keep track of your international money transfers every step of the way. You receive notifications about changes of status directly in your Conotoxia app.

Download our app

Download our app

Use our app and send your international money transfers faster and easier, wherever you are.