Smart TV, BlackBerry, Windows 8 and others

Dec 3, 2013 7:12 PM|

We are proud to be the first in Poland to introduce the app for Samsung Smart TV. Moreover, we have expanded our offer with the BlackBerry app and the Windows 8 app. Among the novelties there are updates for Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

Samsung Smart TV

Thanks to the Samsung Smart TV app, our clients are enabled to check the current exchange rates of all the currencies available in our offer. Moreover, the app enables the access to the currency converter, calculating the exact exchange rate for the transaction and comparing the exchange rates with those offered by the banks. The app is available to download for free from the Samsung Smart TV.


The first release of the official BlackBerry app (wersja 1.0) contains the following functions:

  • Exchange rates: currency converter, the exchange rates chart, exchange rates widget.
  • Transactions from the currency wallet: buy / sell / exchange, summary, top up, withdrawal, operation history, blockages history.
  • Social transactions: buy / sell / exchange, your orders, Top 20.
  • Tools: currency alerts, ATM withdrawal, text messages package purchase, currency cards.
  • Your profile: banking accounts, recipients, messages, your data, change password, discount codes, settings.
  • Other: registration, consultants, new.

Get to know the full list of functions: of the BlackBerry app and download it for free at the Appworld.

Windows 8

Another premiere in our offer is the Windows 8 app (version 1.0), which contains:

  • currency rates,
  • exchange rates table,
  • currency rates chart.

The full list of functions of the Windows 8 app. Downoad it for free from the Microsoft Windows store.


  • Transactions from the bank account: payment for transaction from the currency wallet.
  • Transactions from the currency wallet: summary, top up, withdrawal, operation history, blockages history.
  • Your profile: bank accounts, recipients, messages, your data, change password, discount codes, settings.
  • Tools: standing orders preview, currency alerts, currency cards, ATM withdrawal, text messages currenct rates, text messages package purchase.
  • Other: registering, consultants.

Full list of functions for Android. Download the app for free from Google Play.


  • Transactions from the currency wallet: summary, top up, withdrawal, operation history, blockages history.
  • Social transactions: buy / sell, your orders, Top 20.
  • Tools: currency alerts, ATM withdrawal, text messages exchange rates, text messages package purchase, currency cards.
  • Your profile: messages, password change, discount codes, settings.
  • Other: registering.

Full list of the iOS app functions. Download the app for free at the App Store.

Windows Phone

  • Trransactions from the currency wallet: pay from the wallet.
  • Tools: ATM withdrawal, text messages package purchase, currency cards, currency alerts, text messages currency rates, standing orders preview,
  • Your profile: settings, password change, your data.
  • Other: registering, language selection.

Full list of functions of the aplikacji na Windows Phone app. The app is available to download for free in the Windows Phone store.

Dec 3, 2013 7:12 PM|

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Attractive exchange rates of 27 currencies